19 August, 2015
Author: Adam Nicolson & Christopher Logue
Genre: Classics
Category: Heywood Hill Readers
Recommended by Heywood Hill Reader Lucy Moore:
'If you’re spending your summer in the sparkling waters of the eastern Mediterranean, take along two thrilling books with the Iliad as their starting point: Adam Nicolson’s The Mighty Dead: Why Homer Matters and Christopher Logue’s War Music. As you contemplate the rocky shores and wine dark seas Odysseus and his friends wandered through, you’ll discover a new sense of both the distance and the closeness of their world to our own.'
Lucy Moore is a biographer, at work on a book about the Civil War memoirist Ann Fanshawe.
A new addition of War Music will be published in November 2015 with Logue's notes on his incompleted final volume included as an appendix. If you would like to order a copy please contact the shop.